Like it? I kinda like it though. Using blogger style and it takes me hours to understand!
And still, there's some i-dont-know parts.
Gonna continue improving on it tomorrow!
* My main picture isnt really in the center.
And Yes!I have created Formspring! You can ask me anything over the right side bar,
Twitter too! http://twitter.com/#!/ZiYinTan
I dont really know how to use both actually. Learning in process. Dont call me a noobshit. *Wink.
You might want to teach me. xp.
Busy Bee! Didnt take my main examinations due to Chicken Pox. Okay, there's 3 BIG and HUMONGOUS scars left behind. I dont know what to do with it. Leave it there for the time being.
As i was saying, main exams were left absent, i took supp papers. All these while, i ve been studying and sleeping less than 4 hours. Dont say im hardworking, becos i have 1 month for me to do so. I chose not to. So im left with 24 hours to study before the paper begins.
Well well well, today, i meant yesterday, it marks the last paper.
My holiday begins! Till 24th April!
Enough of all rants!
Im gonna meet up with a few closies for the following month!
Liu Xiao Fan! " Stephanie" HAHAHAHA!
Mavis Mun Yu Ting! i think is yu ting? not sure though, HAHA.
Yao Jia Liang!