Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I wrote your name in the sand but the ocean washed it away,
i wrote your name in the cloulds but the wind blew it away,
i wrote your name in my heart and forever it will stay♥.

Look how comestic helps. THAT MUCH.
I got to learn photoshop soon! Yea, im that kuku that doesnt know anything about it. embarrass.

Imagine my eyes are twice as big as the actual ones.
Imagine my nose are sharp.
Imagine my face has no chubby fats at all.
Imagine i've a little more pouty lips.

Awww, then i'll look like her!


If i ever look like her,.... :DDD

It's time to go to bed to dream, it will be faster. i think it will be even faster if i just paste that picture on my mirror. (:

Deceiving totally.