Saturday, August 7, 2010

A Month.

A Month!

I haven seen darling for one month, goshhhhhh.

Just 5 minutes, we can bought 3 tops.
$100 's gone today. ): Someone told me i have dimples when i laugh. Wheeeeeeeee, im so happpy!

Down withhhh fluuuuuuu. T.T
Ji loving yi xia. =D

Not loving anymore, when she starts to camwhore herself. T.T
Since she does it, I shall do it too. An eye for an eye.

Japan Boat Takopachi. Is just chaota jap balls,-.-. Oily and burned. Not nice.

Small and cute!
Spicy flavours, $2.40.
While waiting for the traffic light to go darling's favourite place. *Wink.